
Parution : 01/2012

Derecho y Religión

Derecho y ReligiónNum. VI, 2011 Civil Religion in the United States of America(Coordinador Derek H. Davis)Sommaire

  • Introduction (Introducción): Derek H. Davis, Former Dir. JM Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies-Baylor University
  • Civil Religion: A Global Phenomenon with a Uniquely American Character (Religión civil: un fenómeno global de carácter propiamente estadounidense): Richard V. Pierard, Indiana State University
  • American Civil Religion: Myth, Reality, and Challenges (Religión civil estadounidense: mito, realidad y retos): Charles H. Lippy, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • American Presidents and Civil Religion: The Early Presidents (Presidentes estadounidenses y religión civil: los primeros Presidentes): Gary Scott Smith, Grove City College
  • American Presidents and Civil Religion: The Later Presidents (Presidentes estadounidenses y religión civil: los últimos Presidentes): Robert D. Linder, Kansas State University
  • Under Which God? Civil Religion, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Dangers
  • of Star-Spangled Idolatry (¿(Una nación) ante Dios? Religión civil, el saludo a la bandera, y los peligros de la idolatría del himno nacional): Lee Canipe, Chowan University
  • Pledging Allegiance to the Flag as a Civil Religion Controversy (El saludo a la bandera como una controversia de religión civil): Ronald B. Flowers, Texas Christian University
  • Why Do Americans Consider Their Country a Christian Nation? (¿Por qué los estadounidenses consideran su país una nación cristiana?): Richard T. Hughes, Messiah College
  • Civil Religion and Legal Theory in America (Religión civil y teoría del Derecho en los EE.UU): Derek H. Davis, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
PrésentationCivil religion is a sociological reality in every society. Non-American readers of this issue of Derecho y Religion will find distinct differences in their own civil religious traditions from that in America. Those who have contributed to this issue are all Americans, but none attempt to offer the United States’ system as the perfect exemplar for all other nations. Every nation is unique and has certain historical practices and traditions that define the nation and its character. What works in one nation might not be fully transferrable to another, due to ideology and historical practice and tradition. The contributors to this volume, for better or worse, simply attempt to describe the distinctly American form of civil religion. If this essay makes it possible for those outside the American tradition to understand civil religious practice in the United States, however imperfect in theory and practice it might be, then the editors of Derecho y Religion, as well as those who contributed this volume, shall have succeeded in their aims.Source: & anno=2011 & numero=388