Parution : 12/2022
Editeur : Oxford University Press
ISBN : 978-0-1928-6546-5
Site de l'éditeur

Biodiversity Litigation

Sous la direction de Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Guillaume Futhazar, Jona Razzaque

Présentation de l'éditeur

Biodiversity is in accelerated decline and urgent action is needed. In 2020, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity ended, and none of its Aichi Targets were met. Despite the legally disappointing situation on a global level, the role of national courts in adjudicating climate change litigation is showing potential for effective mitigation and adaptation, and judges have become key actors in linking internationally agreed goals with tangible national commitments to mitigate climate change. Can this pursuit of globally agreed goals at a local level be transposed and lead a similar trend for biodiversity governance?

This edited collection gives readers an overview of the shape and reach of biodiversity litigation, drawing on specific case studies from countries such as Brazil, China, India and Canada. It considers two questions: Firstly, what is the influence of international biodiversity law on biodiversity litigation? Secondly, what are the trends of biodiversity litigation? Leading experts discuss these questions from the perspective of developing, developed and mega bio-diverse countries, promoting the concept of biodiversity litigation as a common notion of environmental law, and arguing for more creative legal thinking when dealing with and analysing biodiversity-related disputes.

Contributors : Charles Hubert Born, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Larissa Suassuna Carvalho Barros, Brazilian Attorney General's Office ; Carina Costa de Oliveira, University of Brasília, Brazil ; Lucas Dermenghem, lawyer at the Bar of Lille, France ; Márcia Dieguez Leuzinger, Brasilia University Center (CEUB) ; Josh Ginsberg, Ecojustice, Canada ; Arpitha Kodiveri, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU School of Law ; Willem Daniël Lubbe, North-West University, South Africa ; Elisa Morgera, University of Strathclyde Law School, Scotland ; Frederic Perron-Welch, Leiden Law School, The Netherlands ; Hendrik Schoukens, Ghent University, Belgium ; William J. Snape III, American University's Washington College of Law, USA ; Paul Stookes, Richard Buxton Solicitors, United Kingdom ; Chris Tollefson, University of Victoria, Australia ; Ella Vines, University of Melbourne, Australia ; Margaret A. Young, University of Melbourne, Australia ; Mingzhe Zhu, University of Antwerp, Belgium.



1:Introduction: Setting the scene, Guillaume Futhazar, Sandrine Maljean-Dubois and Jona Razzaque

2:Biodiversity litigation in Australia : Constrained efforts to protect beauty, rich and rare, Margaret A. Young and Ella Vines

3:Biodiversity litigation in Brazil: A strategic tool to ensure the effectiveness of biodiversity protection, Carina Costa De Oliveira, Márcia Dieguez Leuzinger and Larissa Suassuna Carvalho Barros

4:Biodiversity litigation in Canada: In quest of accountability, Frederic Perron-Welch, Chris Tollefson and Joshua Ginsberg

5:Biodiversity litigation in China: Confronting degradation from all sides in the era of ecological civilization, Zhu Mingzhe

6:Biodiversity litigation in France: The quest for balance, Guillaume Futhazar and Lucas Dermenghem

7:Biodiversity litigation in India: A typology of cases and varieties of environmentalism, Arpitha Kodiveri

8:Biodiversity litigation in South Africa: A rich legal landscape for litigation, Neil Lubbe

9:Biodiversity litigation in the UK: A complex set of environmental law norms grappling with a diverging and fragmented legal justice system, Paul Stookes

10:International biodiversity litigation in the United States: Strong conservation laws but challenges with enforcement, William J. Snape III

11:Biodiversity litigation before the court of justice of the European Union: A promising pathway for better enforcement of international biodiversity law?, Charles-Hubert Born and Henfrik Schoukens

12:International biodiversity litigation: The increasing emphasis on biodiversity law before international courts and tribunals, Sandrine Maljean-Dubois and Elisa Morgera

13:Biodiversity litigation: Review of trends and challenges, Guillaume Futhazar, Sandrine Maljean-Dubois and Jona Razzaque

448 pages.  £ 110.00